everybody knows-歌词中有everybody knows

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Everybody Knows 歌词
一首比较嗨的英文歌歌词里有everybodyknowseverybodyknows i can什
歌词中有everybody knows

  • 蓓花回复:

    《Everybody Knows》


    所属专辑: Justice League (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

    Everybody knows that the dice are loaded每个人 都知道有 些阴谋正在上演

    Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed每个人都将手指蜷成十 字以祈祷

    Everybody knows the war is over每个人都知道战争已经结束远去

    Everybody knows the good guys lost每个人都知道正义之师一败涂地

    Everybody knows the fight was fixed每个人都知道这战斗有幕后黑手

    The poor stay poor, the rich get rich穷人愈穷 富者愈富

    Thats how it goes事情就像这样发展 Everybody knows众人皆知

    Everybody knows that the boat is leaking每个人都知道船正破裂渗进水来

    Everybody knows that the captain lied每个人都知道船长向大家说了谎

    Everybody got this broken feeling每个人都有着这种破碎凋零之感

    Like their father or their dog just died就像他们的慈父或是爱犬刚刚死去

    Everybody talking to their pockets每个人都与他们的钱袋相谈甚欢

    Everybody wants a box of chocolates每个人都想要一盒甜蜜的巧克力

    And a long-stem rose和一支长茎玫瑰 Everybody knows众人皆知

    Everybody knows that you love me baby每个人都知道你无比爱我的事实

    Everybody knows that you really do每个人都知道你爱我的真挚情感

    Everybody knows that youve been faithful每个人都知道你曾经是如此虔诚

    Oh, give or take a night or two但也就那么一两天

    Everybody knows youve been discreet每个人都知道你一直谨慎地行事

    But there were so many people you just had to meet但有那么多人

    Without your clothes你必须一丝不挂地与他们见面

    Everybody knows众人皆知 Everybody knows, everybody knows众人皆知 世人皆知

    Thats how it goes事情就像这样发展 Everybody knows众人皆知


    《Everybody Knows》最开始来自于Leonard Cohen在1988年和Sharon Robinson共同创作的Im Your Man专辑。在2017年底上映的电影《正义联盟》开场Sigrid Solbakk Raabe的演唱让《Everybody Knows》这首歌成了神曲。

    西格莉德阿格伦(Sigrid Agren) 是09年巴黎时装周上的新秀。西格莉德阿格伦 (Sigrid Agren) 来自法国海外领地马丁尼克岛,13岁就摘下Elite模特大赛法国赛区冠军,随后也进入全球决赛,但西格莉德阿格伦 (Sigrid Agren) 决定先继续学业,因此08年才正式踏上伸展台。


    众人皆知 有些阴谋正在上演众人都将手指 蜷成十字以祈 祷众人皆知 战争已经结束远 去众人皆知 正义之师一败涂地众人皆知 这战斗有幕后黑手穷人愈穷 富人愈富事情就这样发展众人皆知众人皆知 船正破裂渗进水来众人皆知 船长向大家说了谎众人都有着破碎凋零之感就像他们的慈父或是爱犬刚刚死去所有人与钱袋相谈甚欢所有人都想要一盒巧克力还要一支长茎玫瑰众人皆知众人皆知 你是爱我的众人皆知 你的确如此众人皆知 你一直值得信赖除了或多或少一两个晚上众人皆知 你一直小心谨慎却有如此多的人要你坦诚相见众人皆知众人皆知 众人皆知事情就这样发展众人皆知众人皆知 众人皆知事情就这样发展众人皆知众人皆知机不可失众人皆知非我即你众人皆知你永远活着当你觅得一两句箴言众人皆知 协议已经腐烂黑人老乔还在摘棉花是为了你的缎带和蝴蝶结众人皆知众人皆知 恐怖瘟疫即将来临众人皆知 它来势凶猛众人皆知 裸体的男人和女人只是一件光鲜的对过去的仿制品众人皆知 时过境迁但你的床上会有一把米尺它会揭露众人皆知的东西众人皆知 你身陷混沌众人皆知 你曾经遭受什么从卡瓦利山顶的沾血的十字架到马利布海滩众人皆知 它即将破碎爆裂开最后看一眼这颗神圣的心脏吧在它毁灭之前众人皆知


    Everybody wants a box of chocloates 不是,每个人都想要巧克力,这里是一个隐喻,来自于 《阿甘正传》, 上下歌词的意思结合,应该理解为, 每个人都怀抱希望

  • 华玉回复:

    应该62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333363376436是lunik的everybody knows

    I love fairy tales about shoes that dance on their own
    About prince and princess in glittering dresses on festivals
    I love sunsets when the world seems so sweet
    Everything inside me is longing for a happy end
    Why can;t they let me be
    This is me
    Do I harm anyone
    I love to live in harmony and die for trashy melodies
    But this ain;t life it;s all about this game
    Everybody shows and everybody sees
    Everybody dares and everybody fears
    In the end we;re all the same
    Everybody knows and everybody feels
    Everybody hurts and everybody heals
    In the end we;re all the same
    I love to stand still, feel the wind in my hair
    Taste a raindrop spy out a bookshop
    and observe the people reading there
    Why can;t they let me be
    This is me, do I harm anyone
    I love to live in harmony and die for trashy melodies
    But this ain;t life it;s all about this game
    Everybody shows everybody sees
    Everybody dares and everybody fears
    In the end we;re all the same
    Everybody knows and everybody feels
    Everybody hurts and everybody heals
    In the end we;re all the same
    I whistle during shopping and weep when there;s no way out
    From time to time I even laugh out loud
    Everybody shows and everybody sees
    Everybody dares and everybody fears
    In the end we;re all the same
    Everybody knows and everybody feels
    Everybody hurts and everybody heals
    In the end we;re all the same
    Everybody shows and everybody sees
    Everybody dares and everybody fears
    In the end we;re all the same
    Everybody knows and everybody feels
    Everybody hurts and everybody heals
    In the end we;re all the same
    Oh I don;t like this game
    Everybody, oh everybody knows, everybody knows


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