suede so young-Suede的《So Young》 歌词

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Suede的so young的歌词!
求一首中文歌,男的,声音唱法有点像suede山羊皮的so young。有点迷幻的感觉,很好听!
Suede的《So Young》 歌词

  • 云馨回复:

    亲,该歌曲的链接地址 已上传 至 【附件】里的 txt 文档~附件的位置 就在我回答内容的底下请点击 下载txt文档后,按照说明复制添加就可以了~~~~若没有问题请将我的回答选为满意答案! 如果有不懂的可以继续追问我~~为了保证附件不被删除,请您拿了链接 及时采纳! 谢谢—–来自【lyfty2007】

  • 妍璐回复:

    So Young”She can start to walk out when she wants”她想要的 时候,她就可以迈出脚步!Because were young, because were gone因为我们还年轻,因 为我们已离去Well take the tides electric mind, oh yeah?, oh yeah我们要乘着潮 汐的电一般的思想,oh year? oh yeahWere so young and so gone, lets chase the dragon, oh我们如此年少,又无可救药,让我们去追逐龙吧!(吸毒,参见注释)Because were young, because were gone因为我们年少,因为我们无为well scare the skies with tiger eyes, oh yeah? oh yeah我们将用虎之眼恫吓天空,oh yeah? oh yeahWere so young and so gone, lets chase the dragon, oh我们如此年轻,又如此无力,让我们去追逐龙吧!Lets chase the dragon…我们一同去追逐龙吧………from our home high in the city where the skylinestained the snow, I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil从我们位于城市高处的家里,那里地平线沾污了积雪,我爱上了令我兴奋不已的奴仆Were so young and so gone, lets chase the dragon from our home!我们如此年少,如此堕落,让我们从家中离去,追逐龙吧!

  • 芝帆回复:

    So Young

    “She can start to walk out when she wants”

    Because were young, because were gone
    Well take the tides electric mind, oh yeah?, oh yeah
    我们要乘着潮汐的电一般的思想,oh year? oh yeah

    Were so young and so gone, lets chase the dragon, oh

    Because were young, because were gone
    well scare the skies with tiger eyes, oh yeah? oh yeah
    我们将用虎之眼恫吓天空,oh yeah? oh yeah

    Were so young and so gone, lets chase the dragon,

  • 祥媛回复:

    歌曲名:So Young

    Because we′re young, because we′re gone
    we′ll take the tide′s electric mind, oh yeah?
    oh yeah we′re so young and so gone,
    let′s chase the dragon, oh
    Because we′re youn, because we′re gone
    We′ll scare the skies with tiger′s eyes, oh yeah?
    oh yeah we′re so young and so gone,
    let′s chase the dragon,
    oh let′s chase the dragon… …
    from our home high in the city
    where the skyline stained the snow,
    I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil
    We′re so young and so gone,
    let′s chase the dragon from our home!


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