Congo, Democratic Republic of

Meaning: The Congo, Democratic Republic of (also known as DR Congo) is a country located in Central Africa. It is the second largest country in Africa by area and the eleventh largest in the world.

Part of speech: Proper noun

Pronunciation: kahn-goh, dih-muh-krat-ik rih-puhb-lik, (kuhn-goh, duh-muh-kra-tik ri-puhb-lik)

Synonyms: DR Congo, Congo-Kinshasa, Zaire (former name)

Confusable words: Congo-Brazzaville (Republic of the Congo), Congo (river)

Examples in English:

  • DR Congo is known for its rich natural resources including copper, cobalt, and diamonds.
  • The civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo has resulted in the displacement of millions of people.


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