共找到3个和生存英语怎么说相关的问题和 6条解答,可以点击下面的问题,查看更多相关信息。

一 、生存的英文是什么
三 、生存的更久用英语怎么说

一 、生存的英文是什么

  • lcje84 2021-01-31 👍271 To be, or not to be – that is the question:
    Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
    And by opposing end them. To die – to sleep –
    No more; and by a sleep to say we end
    The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
    That flesh is heir to. ‘Tis a consummation
    Devoutly to be wish’d.
  • 当你走过6u61J 2020-01-07 👍180 适者生存 survival of the fittest the survival of the fittest 适者生存 life is a deadly struggle in which only the fittest survive. 生活是适者生存的一场殊死搏斗。 — 英汉 – 辞典例句 the expression often used by mr. herbert spencer of the “survival of the fittest” is more accurate. 斯宾塞先生所常用的“适者生存”这个名词,比较确切。 — 英汉 – 辞典例句 with the changes in the world’s climate, dinosaurs died but many smaller animals lived on. it was survival of the fittest. 随着世界气候的变迁, 恐龙绝迹了, 但许多较小的动物却继续活了下来。 这就是适者生存。 — 英汉 – 辞典例句 survival of the fittest. 适者生存。 — 汉英 – 翻译参考 the survival of the fittest 适者生存 — 英汉 – 翻译样例 – 习语 says richard schilsky, associate dean for clinical research at the university of chicago. 希勒斯基说:“适者生存的理论也适合于癌细胞。 — 汉英 – 翻译参考 as a student of biology, kao knew that “the survival of the fittest” was ordained by nature. 高松年研究生物学,知道“适者生存”是天经地义。 — 汉英文学 – 围城 – weicheng07 this was what was known as “the survival of the fittest.” 这就上人们所说的”适者生存” — 汉英 – 翻译参考 life in the old west was often a case of the survival of the fittest. 从前美国西部的生活往往是遵循适者生存的原则。 — 英汉 – 短句参考 darwinism dictates that the fittest will survive, and what better way to ensure survival than being kiasu? 达尔文说,适者生存,而求存的最佳方法莫过于怕输。……


三 、生存的更久用英语怎么说

  • coderwar 2020-05-27 👍522




    he survived from the earthquake. living experiences resulted in his survival.


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